So... what's new?
Well..work-wise it's another one of those 'new-old' times, am back with my second project, which is moving onwards in the development process. I've taken my friend along for the ride this time though, so with two of us pair-programming on lots of stuff it feels like a more positive ride, at least, although I think there's quite a way to go before we are fully developing anything properly 'for real' rather than prototyping.
But, that's NOT really what this post is about, so I guess I'd better get to the better stuff!
I've only gone and signed up to do a Masters in Software Engineering!!
Work were offering Apprenticeships to do a taught Masters. It seems like too good an opportunity to turn down, as I'd been really missing the structure of formal learning - although I'm very good at being 'self-led', it's harder to do that without the structure and deadlines of a formal course to work on.

What does it mean for me in the context of work? I dunno really, although there is an expectation that they will allow all relevant time off for exams etc, and there will be some formal classroom learning which is likely to fall in work time. Will it result in a different job title etc, nah, not that I'm aware of, although I feel like it will look very good on a CV when it comes to applying for the next grade.... definitely no rush for that one though!
My BFF says that it was a bit of a drastic way just to find something new to blog about!!
....but I have to admit that I look forward to doing exactly that.... watch this space as there will doubtless be a pre-course set of procedures etc that I need to follow, so I shall endeavour to keep my blogpeeps entertained with the machinations along the way.