Thursday 28 July 2022

BFF SAL 9 - Ta-Da!

This has been a massive stitch, I believe it may be the biggest piece I've done actually. 

It made for an interesting SAL, as our approach was so different. 

I have to admit that I'm very chuffed with the overall result.  Now to find a suitable frame,  as square ones are harder to come by. (Edit to add I now have a frame but just need the combination of available time and energy to do the job).

Skype night this week was a welcome chance to catch up after a few weeks off.  

As my BFF has alluded to, the right 'next piece' has yet to show itself,  we have a couple of potential things but neither of them feel like something we wanted to stitch together right now. 

And as we make our own rules,  we will give ourselves permission to work on whatever we feel like,  as was our way back when we met in person for 'Cfarties'.

So this is mine this week,  from a simple cover kit. I'd had a grand plan for starting my Halloween piece,  but couldn't decide on a fabric so it's also on my To Be Done later pile.

Saturday 16 July 2022

Gifted Gorgeousness July linkup

Wow, it's the 15th again already? (Technically past that now as I began the post yesterday)

Gifted Gorgeousness is hosted by Jo at Serendipitous Stitching, we share crafts and crafty gifts made or received.  Once you've finished here, hop there to see who else is participating. 

This month is the turn of one my 'spare hobbies', every now and again I get a desire for more than my usual crafts. Watercolour painting is one such.

I got this book for Xmas a couple of years back,  I like the artists style. 

This part of my own attempt at recreating this one, of the castle in one of my spiritual homes nearby.  Can you tell which castle it is?

I'm reasonably happy as it feels more solid than some former attempts, although good tree work still eludes me right now, hence you only getting to see part of my painting yet. 

But it also leads me to the point of my ramblings too, that sometimes the greatest gift is actually having the time pursue our hobbies.  Since moving home over a year ago,  I've had so much more time to stitch, and knit, and crochet, and paint.  And on our holidays I've been enjoying taking my time to sketch some of the scenes as well as taking photographs.

Enjoy hopping around the linkup.

Friday 8 July 2022

BFF SAL 9 - t minus 650... and counting

A solo post this week, as my poor BFF succumbed after all this time and caught the Covid Lurgy. 

On the home straight now, I have precisely 650 stitches of purple left to go.  I've been alternating between side and bottom of the picture, so there looks like less work than has actually gone into it!!

And then it will be time to go frame hunting. A little part of me is tempted to finish as a cushion, but I still think I'd prefer to see it safely on the wall where nothing can be spilled on it!

And then onwards, to BFF SAL 10 in a couple of weeks time, as I have some family commitments next week.