Wednesday 29 November 2023

BFF SAL 14 - More is Less?

Odd how sometimes adding more can make a stitch suddenly less substantial!  I think because I'd been filling full petals previously,  the new pink seems to have had that effect. 

Coming along steadily,  I didn't summon the mojo to catch up,  so I still have 1hr 45 banked to fo that 'off camera' before the next one.   Need to find something small for Variations next week. 

Check out my BFFs update here,  as I know she got there before me this week!

Sunday 26 November 2023

Advent Calendar Blog Hop 2023

Welcome to Advent! Perfectly timed as this evening's Vigil Mass would be for the first Sunday in Advent. 

The Hop is hosted by Jo over at Serendipitous Stitching.

First to talk about our Santa stories... hmm... well.   My own childhood first.  Living in a flat roofed council house in a new town, I remember being worried as we had no chimney, how would he manage?  Oh he has a Magic Key that works just for Santa and Christmas (maybe they thought I'd worry about someone getting in outside that time).

For our own little one (now a 6ft 4 beanpole), we began quite a complex process.  There would be mince pies or other sweet food item depending on what we had in, and usually Baileys or sherry, but then there would be mess left by the reindeer (just the sawdust 'reindeer food' from school fetes).  And sometimes Santa even left a personal handwritten message.  Yikes it was sometimes hard work to remember exactly what we'd said!

I was so well ahead of myself with my Advent stitch that it took a while to remember what it was!!  This sweet Lucie Heaton mouse.  I really enjoyed this little stitch a lot.

Merry Christmas blogpeeps!!

Wednesday 22 November 2023

BFF SAL 14 -Oh no she didn't!!

No, I'm not off to the pantomime.  But I had been cleaning the teenage son's bedroom yesterday...nuff said.  I was therefore too tired to face counting and making mistakes in my SAL. 

So this week I did 8 rows of knitting,  on my gilet instead. 

My BFF has kindly allowed me 105 minutes of daytime stitches to catch up again,  you can see that next time if I finally get the energy.  We did have a corresponding giggle about me allowing her the same amount of time to spend on her knitting!!

Check out my BFFs update here

Wednesday 15 November 2023

BFF SAL 14 - Filling in the Leaves

(To the tune of Bringing in the Sheaves)

Much fun with earworms tonight, one of which my BFF was able to invoke without even singing it!!

I never managed to find my 3364 thread, so I used some free time today to go buy a replacement.  No doubt the original will turn up soon.

A couple of filled leaves and a more fleshed-out petal.  Happy with that for the evening. 

Check out my BFFs progress here

Wednesday 8 November 2023

BFF SAL 14 - Where art thou?

3364 thread that is!  I know I've got some, I used it for the bud. Can I find it tonight to use again... nope!!?

Had fun finally working with a bit of pink, particularly as I picked up the missing 602 at a local shop.

It's most interesting watching these grow separately,  although we did joke today that if I could just use my BFFs almost complete flower, and she my complete vase, that we'd be nearly done. 

I do rather like that bud.

Check out my BFFs update here

Friday 3 November 2023

BFF SAL Variations on a theme - Christmas

Well - as this is a monthly variation,  there is lots to show!

Finished the remaining white and red parts of the Advent Calendar. 
And also made a start on the Snowman decoration kit, which was a freebie with my World of Cross Stitching magazine. 

Check out my BFFs progress here