Monday 5 December 2022

Advent Calendar Blog Hop

Welcome to Day 5 of the Advent Calendat blog Hop. Hosted by Jo at, we need to share a winter or Christmas stitch, and answer the question... What's For Afters?

This one is a previous SAL piece for both me and my BFF. I have yet to figure out how to mount it.  
But I do still rather like it, and it will form part of my decorating this year, along with two plastic canvas finishes. 

So - what's for Afters?

Here, I have many memories of childhood,  where 'afters' was a first a sherry Trifle for pudding,  served immediately after Xmas dinner, and then a whole other buffet of both sweet and savoury offerings at the early evening,  shared with my maternal grandparents.

These days, as a family,  our Xmas meal is at the evening slot, so we occasionally actually go for 'Pudding for Dinner', also known as 'Eating dessert first'.  The content of this varies, but is often a Baileys flavoured special dessert from a local supermarket, or sweet mince pies with Baileys double cream.

It's varied though, some years we're too full of breakfast or chocolate to bother with dessert.

Merry Christmas to you all, Blogpeeps!


  1. Thanks for taking part in the Advent Calendar Blog Hop this year. I remember the Nativity SAL earlier this year and it's lovely to see it again.
    I do like the idea of "afters as befores"! But I would probably not bother with the main course and just have several desserts instead! My MIL is quite famous for her tipsy sherry trifle at family gatherings too.

  2. Life is uncertain eat desert first..I do like that thought. Your reindeer looks much happier with company.

  3. Delicious afters ... or befores. I love a sherry trifle and Baileys goes with any dessert, cake or just on its own. Have fun finishing your design.

  4. Pudding for dinner is ok with me! I love that adorable nativity scene, will make a great Christmas ornament. The reindeer is great too, never seen that 3d canvas before, very clever and so cute. Joyeuses fêtes de Noël ! xxx

  5. Pudding for dinner sounds like a great idea!

  6. I love it blogpeeps so sweet.
    We had pie lots and lots of pie with hand whipped cream.
    Love your Christmas designs.


  7. Your Nativity is very sweet, and I love the other two as well. Sherry trifle always reminds me of my mother. She used to make the best trifles. Trifle still features in all our family celebrations.

  8. Love your little Nativity. Adorable.

  9. That is a beautiful Nativity, I hope you decide how to finish it soon. Your elf and deer are so cute!
    I love the idea of dessert first, delicious! I've made a Bailey's cheesecake before, that's what my Dad likes. I think I need to try the Bailey's double cream, that sounds wonderful.
    Happy Christmas!

  10. A beautiful nativity stitching. YOur afters sound delicious. It is fun to read what everyone has for dessert.

  11. The Nativity is a darling design! As are the reindeer and elf! I love those cone ornaments! I have only had a trifle once maybe, but I do love Baileys!

  12. I love that nativity design. I must see if my library has that magazine issue. You can't go far wrong with a Bailey's dessert :) A Bailey's cheesecake is tasty.

  13. Your little Nativity stitchery is lovely!! Desserts first? Yes, please! My grandma made mince meat pies and served them with freshly whipped cream. It was yummy. You hardly see them in the US anymore. I may have to make one over the holiday! :)

  14. So true that as adults we can make our own choices on desserts. Lovely finish and Merry Christmas!
