Thursday 20 April 2023

A 'Quiet' Finish - BFF SAL 11

Those final couple of weeks have been creeping up on us... mind you, you may understand better some of the delays when you see the personalisation journey my BFF has been on for this one!!

With a bit of help from my BFF to remove a cat from the rug,  I pushed straight through to FFO and frame this immediately,  some projects just demand that quick action.  I'm very happy to have managed a bit of blue hair.  The designs are called Cosy and Quiet by Durene Jones, from a magazine article. We decided that the couch one with quilt/hoop stitches looks Cosy, so mine here must be Quiet.

I've been feeling rough with cold this week, so no full session tonight, but long enough to show and tell our respective finishes! Oh, we did laugh hard tonight, but my post can only hint cryptically at why till you check out my BFFs progress here

Wednesday 12 April 2023

The Cat and the Pumpkin - BFF SAL night off

Tonight we were in mutual agreement that we needed a break from the personalisation journey that our 'Relax' SAL has become,  much as we're enjoying it, it doesn't make for a chilled night.

So my offering is a small Halloween piece by Durene Jones,  free on her Facebook page. Lots of black to come yet but the outlines are very clear.

My BFFs update may be somewhat delayed as she's having some IT repairs done.  Check here to keep an eye out.

Friday 7 April 2023

Easter Blog Hop 2023

Welcome to the 2023 annual Easter Blog Hop, hosted by Jo at Serendipitous Stitching.   We share our Easter or Spring themed stitches, and a letter to collect,  which will make up a mystery phrase. After you've hopped around post the phrase on Jo's blog, there's sometimes even a little prize.

This was a fun little Easter Stitch, a freebie from Durene Jones' Facebook page, completed last-minute as is often the case when I suddenly realise there's a Hop imminent!!

Your letter is Y

And next you can hop over to

Wednesday 5 April 2023

BFF SAL- other things took over

Not a lot to show for tonight's efforts... a little backstitch only.

Lots more time spent finishing off my Easter piece which you'll see on the Eeaster Blog Hop on Friday.   And a little bit started on a cover kit when I realised that I'm now struggling to backstitch and talk at the same time.   So that will be done off-skype as it were.

Good time nattering and talking jobs and IT and password management though.

Check out my BFFs progress here