Wednesday 13 December 2023

BFF SAL Variations on a theme- Christmas continued

Yes, I know we did it last week,  but my brain is too tired for intense colour work from a book. So Variations again this week and a simple stitch.

I thought both of these were on 14 count Aida, but I think this week's  on the left may actually be 16 count.... ah well!

And my count was entirely off on my second attempt at Let it Snow,  so it has currently been abandoned whilst I figure out whether it gets redesigned or binned!!

Maybe a time out will suggest to me how to redesign to my satisfaction,  but as it's only a gift tag sized piece of fabric then I'm not going to stress over it!

Check out my BFFs update here

Wednesday 6 December 2023

BFF SAL Variations on a Theme - Christmas

It's the first Wednesday of the month,  so it's time for our monthly theme night. Both finished our earlier projects so something different today. 

For me, 2 of these tags from a World of Cross Stitching cover kit. 

Check out my BFFs progress on her blog here