Friday, 21 March 2025

BFF SAL 17 - nearly almost nearly

Ah so close, but ran out of eyes... after a,day filled with computer work my brain just couldn't quite get through the last few bits of cross stitch here.  I do however have special dispensation to finish off camera, so that we may start backstitch together in a few weeks time.   Social and work engagements are keeping me away for a couple of weeks.    And much as I'd enjoy a bit of stitching in my hotel,  I'd not trust myself to keep things clean and get it home safely!

Check out my BFFs progress here

Wednesday, 12 March 2025

BFF SAL 17 - Rocks around the clock

Grey. Today there was grey. Grey and light grey. Oh.. and black, to add some substance to the bird.

I'm enjoying watching this one come together,  a couple more weeks and we'll be done.  Once again our next project is yet to be decided,  as we talked ourselves out of the initial crazy plan.

Check out my BFFs update here

Wednesday, 5 March 2025

BFF SAL 17 - wandering about

Lots of bits of progress today, from more sea, to rocks, to foliage.  I enjoyed tonight's stitch a lot, once again it makes me laugh the unspoken Same But Different approaches that my BFF and I have applied to the stitch.

Check out my BFFs progress here

Wednesday, 26 February 2025

BFF SAL 17 - decisions unmade

Well I'd planned to continue the bird, that didn't happen.  Then I'd planned more blue but realised it was all there.

So third time lucky,  rocks and plants.

Oh and we sensibly talked ourselves out of a complicated project that was to be next.. so Next is Yet To Be Determined. 

Check out my BFFs account here

Wednesday, 19 February 2025

BFF SAL 17 - a good start

Oh it was fun to have a new start for BFF SAL 17 today.  And it's already taking shape, helped by lots of half stitch for the background.   

Luckily we have a potential BFF SAL 18 on the cards, as I think this little one will be done in a short few weeks!

Check out my BFFs update here

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

BFF RAL - an October finish

I was feeling inclined towards single colour stitches tonight, so this is actually a finish. 

What it will get in the way of next steps is yet to be decided, as there are 4 in the pattern and I contemplate whether to stitch them as 4 entirely separate entities or a line of 4.  We shall see.

And it may come back out in October for show and tell, if Jo ( happens to host a Halloween Hop.

Check out what my BFF has been working on this week here

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

BFF RAL- little wins

Sometimes in your life you need a quick win.. a job that gives you satisfaction in being Done.

Tonight I managed 2 wins, some minor bits of mending on a dressing gown and fleecy hoodie.  Had some at work too, creating a development plan that makes sense for both my current situation and my future thinking career-wise.  So a good day all round. 

Alongside some more 'October stitches' I felt like I achieved something tonight.

Check out my BFFs update here

Wednesday, 29 January 2025

BFF RAL - obligation upheld

Back to a bit of baby sampler this week,  cos I feel like if I don't start back then I'll not want to keep going.

The beginnings of the shelf, with a good amount of one bracket and a start on the other side. 

Check out my BFFs progress here

Wednesday, 22 January 2025

BFF RAL- out of season

I didn't have enough 'spoons' for the baby sampler alongside nattering tonight.

So here's a bit of progress on a stitch which may or may not surface again in late October ...muhaha.

It's entirely delightful to be stitching in a single colour. 

Check out my BFFs update here

Wednesday, 15 January 2025

BFF SAL 16 - FFO..well almost

Let's not count the framing part or it'll be UFO for years probably teehee! Square frames are hard to come by.

I'm actually quite pleased with an entirely accidental curve on the harbour wall in the foreground... couldn't have done it if I'd tried!!

The backstitch has been harder work than the pattern justified though, so it shall remain a single piece and not form part of a set as originally planned. 

Check out my BFFs update here

Wednesday, 8 January 2025

BFF SAL 16 - Return to the Sea

It's been soooo long since our last session! And even longer since we worked on SAL.  Tonight wasthe start of backstitch. 

But more importantly it was just so lovely to be back in each other's virtual company. 

Check out my BFFs update here

Friday, 20 December 2024

BFF RAL finally...

Or.. how the giraffe got his wheels.

After Metaverse issues last week,  it was delightful to finally shoehorn in a catch up this week. 

The giraffe toy finally gained some wheels,  getting closer just not as quickly as initially planned.   But as I have now told the intended recipients that it will be handed over in a visit next year, then I can take a little of the pressure off myself. 

As our probably last session of the year,  we set ourselves targets for projects to be worked on or finished next year *some of mine having been on the list for a few years running.

Check out my BFFs update here

Wednesday, 13 November 2024

BFF more RAL

Random Along for the uninitiated!

Continuing my baby sampler project..a short session this week as I've been on an intensive training course at work and my brain is battered!

Each corner got some work, whether to add work to the border or the checkered design.   And a single part of the bottom green border.   Excuse the shadows but tired photos are better than none I think!!

I'm working the border before Stitching is complete on the main pattern.  This is because the seemingly never ending border on the Big Tree project felt like it was a chore and I just wanted to be done, so this is an attempt to protect myself from that.

Check out my BFFs update here