Sunday 26 November 2023

Advent Calendar Blog Hop 2023

Welcome to Advent! Perfectly timed as this evening's Vigil Mass would be for the first Sunday in Advent. 

The Hop is hosted by Jo over at Serendipitous Stitching.

First to talk about our Santa stories... hmm... well.   My own childhood first.  Living in a flat roofed council house in a new town, I remember being worried as we had no chimney, how would he manage?  Oh he has a Magic Key that works just for Santa and Christmas (maybe they thought I'd worry about someone getting in outside that time).

For our own little one (now a 6ft 4 beanpole), we began quite a complex process.  There would be mince pies or other sweet food item depending on what we had in, and usually Baileys or sherry, but then there would be mess left by the reindeer (just the sawdust 'reindeer food' from school fetes).  And sometimes Santa even left a personal handwritten message.  Yikes it was sometimes hard work to remember exactly what we'd said!

I was so well ahead of myself with my Advent stitch that it took a while to remember what it was!!  This sweet Lucie Heaton mouse.  I really enjoyed this little stitch a lot.

Merry Christmas blogpeeps!!


  1. Thanks for taking part in the Advent Calendar Blog Hop this year with your adorable little mouse.
    Lovely memories too. I'm really looking forward to that part of the Hop this year.

  2. Such a cute mouse ! Glad to read about this Magic Key I never heard of before, I love all the details about the reindeer "mess". Joyeuses fêtes de Noël ! xxx

  3. Lovely Santa memories, cute stitch too. Wishing you a Merry Christmas 🎄

  4. Oh that is super cute, glad you let me wait till now to see it..

  5. It's so fun to see other's Santa traditions and read their stories! Thank you for sharing! And your little mousie is so cute! Merry Christmas! :)

  6. It's fun reading of traditions! The mouse is adorable. Merry Christmas!

  7. I hadn't heard of the magic key for Santa before. It's good to know he has one :)
    Your Christmas mouse stitch is cute.

  8. I have had a lovely, if belated, visit. Your Christmas mouse is so sweet and I enjoyed reading your story.

  9. Your Christmas mouse is so cute!

  10. How sweet, the lengths parents go to to make their children believe in the magic! Very cute stitching too.

  11. Awww what a cute little stitch! I enjoy your Santa stories! Happy Stitching!

  12. Great memories! Lovely finish on that sweet mouse as well.

  13. A Santa/Christmas key, perfect! He must have loved coming to your house.
    Such an adorable little mouse.
