Wednesday 10 April 2024

BFF SAL 14 - can you believe it?

Firstly that we've been working on our 14th BFF SAL.. and secondly that it's DONE!!

We talked a lot tonight about how amazing it is that we can find so many things to stitch jointly,  most of them from the same patterns.  And how our approach is still often The Same But Different. 

Loads of backstitch completed,  and now to decide on a frame for any FFO. 

I've really enjoyed this stitch,  and will definitely do more from the same book.  And we finished just nicely as the enthusiasm was beginning to wane for me at the end of the project (which is often the case for me).

Looking forward to a small stitch next time for BFF SAL 15, before our next Project, which I remembered during the week. 

Check out my BFFs update here


  1. Roni: This is beautiful, I love anything oriental.
    Congratulations on the finish, looking forward to seeing what frame you choose.


  2. Congratulations on the Happy Dance for the BFF SAL. Love the blackwork border on this one.
