Sunday 10 November 2019

Workshop 1 - the one with the funny name - part 1

So, the end of October came around (as it appears to do with increasing speed every year now), and it was time for the first instructor-led part of the Masters journey - my first Workshop.

I'm not entirely convinced how positive I can be about this part of the experience, but I'm going to try to provide a slightly more balanced description in writing than the emotionally charged conversation with my BFF (or anyone else who asked me how it went) in the first week or so afterwards.

(That good eh??)

  • I got an invite to the Workshop early in October.  Rather than being in Newcastle as expected, my first Workshop was in Leeds - and the invitation also said it was in an outer suburb of Leeds as opposed to directly in town.  Fair enough, it's within reasonable travel distance but to get there decently early, it required an overnight stay on both nights, which I booked in advance so my employer could take advantage of the best rates.
  • Fast forward then, to 2 days before the event, when I received a text reminder - for my workshop in the centre of Leeds!  Argh!! So a quick check to ensure that the central venue was correct, and a hastily arranged second hotel booking (as my prior one was an advance booking it was not cancellable).
  • Oh - and the course was called 'Transunion'.  Googling was no help, I couldn't find a software engineering principle anywhere called Transunion.  But I figured that all would eventually be made clear once I started the workshop, so I shelved my worry on that one for now...
So - this was the first introduction to the Module Workshop process.  Pretty much as smooth as the rest of the process so far.
Bear this in mind when you continue to read the next post - part 2 - where you might get to find out about the funny name too.....

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