Wednesday, 16 November 2022

BFF SAL 10 - deer oh deer

Well, the cross stitch and backstitch part is finished.  All that remains is assembly.  And there I paused for the night, for fear that I accidentally remove feet or antlers.   I know that I don't really want to follow the process for cutting around the antlers,  but I suspect I may have no other choice. Going to practice with some paper first I think.  So here he is, awaiting my next steps.

Check out my BFFs update here


  1. I am looking forward to seeing this one constructed, you will do good cutting, we can see you are doing a good job now, he is adorable.


  2. He looks so sweet! Are you liking him better now? Or once he's finished? I can't wait to see him finished too!

  3. Good luck with the cutting, maybe leave some extra canvas round the antlers?
