But last night, after much planning and searching for fabrics etc, we got to start on our second 'lock-down stitch-along' (yeah I know we can leave the house now, but the name kind of stuck with me, and anyway, until we are stitching in each other's houses again, it's still a bit of a lock-down situation).
I had planned to use a blue bit of fabric from a 'craft item of the month club' that my BFF and I were formerly subscribed to, however, on investigation, it would appear that the piece of Aida I had in mind was the same colour as my BFF's unsuitable bit, and thus much too dark for the light sky of the project. So - white it is, as that I had plenty of in my 'stash', having more often chosen cream as a background for my random projects rather than white.
The start of a new project always brings up an age-old question - where to begin. Now, I was taught (by my BFF) to always start in the middle (or close to it) - do my readers have any other starting points? And if so, why do they appeal? So, looking to the centre of my pattern, I went for the largest single colour I could immediately see close by, which in my case happened to be the first of the trees which form the middle ground of this design. I got not only the entirety of the darker colour, but a fair amount of the next colour in too (mind you we did stitch way past our normal timings, over-running by 35 minutes, which was delightfully naughty). Excuse the trailing thread, I fastened in ready to start again next time.
Weather permitting, we intend another walk next week, so the next SAL will be in a fortnight's time - pity, as this pattern has taken both our imaginations and I will miss stitching on it!!
Keep an eye out on my friend's blog at http://apatchworkofcrafts.blogspot.com/ to see quite how differently we deal with the start of this project... it will be interesting to find out when we start to look similar...