Thursday 16 July 2020

Life INSIDE the Washing Basket - finally a finish

Lots and lots of pics this time!  Never did get round to a second posting, as I only just put in the last 'special dispensation stitches' 5 minutes before this week's Skype session.  So, here it is finished off, and then a little trimming required to facilitate easier stitching-up.

So - was the experience any easier, having wrong sides facing rather than sewing together inside out?  I have to admit, it didn't feel that way at first, with 3 abortive attempts to manage the seams and the outlines.  I still have an obvious ladder where I have stitched, but as it's neatly sewn, I am happy with that.  Here's a couple of shots from along the way:

That last little side was the hardest one to sew, working with the stuffed article was odd.

And then I was done!!  The finished biscornu (minus a button which I am still to decide upon for the centres) - my BFF decided on something different for finishing, but I will let her tell that tale over at

And here, finally, in pride of place on the mantelpiece (for now at least):

Stay tuned for more stitch-alongs, we have something else in mind for our next project, but we plan to take a socially-distanced walk next week, so we may spill the beans on our plans before we actually get the chance to start it.  Really looking forward to it, I have very much enjoyed the process of working on the same project simultaneously, and watching how our projects grow and differ as they go along.


  1. It has been a jolly journey, and hoping the weather holds for that walk, and I will get to see your new head in person (someone's had a hair cut!)

  2. It turned out very nice and almost doesn't even need a button! Congratulations on your finish.
