Tuesday 6 September 2016

That Back To School Feeling

From a washing basket perspective...is all the uniform washed and ironed and ready to go?  Most importantly is everything labelled with names for when our kids strip off jumpers in the remaining heat of an Indian summer that happens for a couple of days before the frost hits?  Heaven forbid that they keep track of their own clothing!!

But the return to school brings with it a certain 'new beginnings' type of joy to it, where I am more inclined to make changes, or start new projects, or get stuff organised.  It used to be about having the right pens and exercise books, these days it's more about maybe planning a Christmas project, or making lists.  And of course for me this year, new job too, and all the extra new beginnings that brings with it.

It will also be the time where the new course materials will land on my doorstep, and bring once again that temptation for an early peek.  I'm looking forward to starting the next module, but I am just now starting to get my 'groove' back after the long period of full time work and travel, starting to feel like there is a life in work-life balance again.  A very little part of me will be jealously clinging on to that feeling and objecting to the new course as a way of interrupting the flow.  But then, I know, once it's all done next summer, I will feel like I miss the study.

I do think that I will still have plenty of learning opportunities at work, things that I can get my teeth into in a practical sense, both at home and at work.  (I will admit to maintaining a balance though, I don't do more than make sure I can understand what I did at work, I don't take 'work' home, I start the concepts at a much more basic level and recreate them for my understanding, it helps me to understand the grass roots of what I am learning without getting bogged down in the massiveness of the project itself).

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