Thursday 18 June 2020

Life INSIDE the washing basket - Lockdown stitch-along - a question of colour?

Good progress once again on our stitch-along, with some very different perspectives appearing on our resulting pieces this week, as you'll see on my BFF's blog at

I think the colour of my Aida is making the colours of our projects (although we're both stitching the same pattern with the same thread brand) look much different to me - most odd.

And while we nattered, we talked of recent events in the news, with the racial unrest following the unlawful death of a man in police custody, and the more direct effects this was having on one of my BFF's friends.  I'm not going to discuss it again here, as this blog post is intended for talking about our stitching, but such issues must have had a profound effect on the world, for it to make it into our conversation (as we normally avoid politics and serious subjects to focus on our stitching), and to pretend that it were not so would be to avoid part of talking about our night.

And then we moved on to other questions of colour - in our next potential stitch-along project, the pattern simply calls for variegated green and variegated blues.  But it does not specify which of DMC's many variegated greens and blues to use - and bizarrely, upon comparing threads, my BFF and I have very few of the variegated shades in common - so we may diverge when it comes to that particular pattern, in the interests of frugality.

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