Thursday 25 June 2020

Life INSIDE the Washing Basket - Lockdown stitch-along - the flowers appear

I have to admit, for both my BFF and I, our get together was somewhat subdued this week.  I'd had a really bad sleep the night before, so my conversational skills were somewhat lacking.

We'd also reached the point in our mutual stages in the project, where we needed to count carefully to establish where we were in our patterns.  This second stage is proving quite tricky, as the backstitch obscures a lot of the symbols underneath.

But progress was made, nevertheless, and now the first of the tulips have been completed for me, it feels like more progress, looking at the picture, than it felt in person.

More discussion around our next potential SAL project, but we shall keep you in suspense on that one until we get a little closer I think....

Head on over to to check out my BFF's progress.


  1. The colours look much deeper on your fabric and in your pictures

  2. Nice progress, this is a deceptively complex design with all the colours!
