Saturday 2 May 2020

Lady Fingers - a reflection on Lockdown Life

Feeling kind of reflective lately, it happens when I'm left to my own devices, and I think coronavirus is having that effect on many of us.

It's making us all contemplate the things we do and don't need in our lives, it's establishing the things that we may be willing to work on changing, about ourselves or our lifestyles.

And, whilst we are figuring these things out, bit by bit, it's giving us the opportunity to focus and make time for the things that we DO find most important.

For me, family and friends have always been an important part - during this time my parents and I are calling daily, to check in with each other.  My BFF and I are making great progress in maintaining our social contact with a weekly Skype craft evening.  My faith has become a mainstay, and the opportunity to attend Mass (even virtually) on a Sunday, helps to reset my inner turmoil a bit, and give me strength to face the day ahead.

Oh, but I DO miss church so much, and singing with a group of friends.  I've had many social gatherings online over the last few weeks, but it's all one-way - we are all missing the chance to sing TOGETHER.  We're planning to attempt an online catch up with some singers and parishioners, in the hopes that we can maybe lead some kind of get together.  Let's see how well the technology assists us in this.

On the plus side, we've been trying new items in our shopping, nothing major, but frozen variants of our usual favourites, so we can waste less and not worry about things going out of date so quickly.  We've been playing together more at home, with card games and backgammon, and (or course) a bit of tech-assisted stuff in a family console game.

Oh - and finally - why lady fingers, you ask?  Nothing to do with trifles - but having not played the guitar at church for around 7 weeks now, I HAVE FINGERNAILS! 

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