Wednesday 30 September 2020

The Soothing Properties of Grass - Lockdown SAL

Lots of work on that minty grass again tonight, largely I've generally been unimpressed with the colour.  However tonight, for some reason, the stitching of it was soothing.  Definitely felt like I needed it, it's been a long week today.. Working from home constantly is getting me down, and I'm trying to arrange some time to work in an office, but nothing about the process is going smoothly.  Add to that a few days filled with complex work and tight deadlines, and it's enough to fill my head with difficult thoughts. 

Really enjoyed the get together on Skype tonight, I'll let my BFF tell you about the children's playground songs that pervaded our nattering on


  1. Sorry you are having a down period. It does get depressing constantly being on lockdown and in a state of limbo. In the meantime you are doing great on the grass! It is growing nicely.

  2. Nice work on the grass, it's very refreshing to stitch Nature when life is stressful.
