Wednesday 14 July 2021

BFF SAL 4 - It's not you, it's me!

Or, thankfully in this case, it was both of us!!

Have you ever started a project and thought, I'm not really enjoying this?  You think maybe I'll grow to like it better when I reach x, y, z parts of it?  And then you get there, and it's only growing more annoying each time, to the point where you dread picking it up. 

Well this is that project for me.  The colours are hidden away at the bottom and there is just (for me) so much blue!!! And with similar symbols next to each other, it's prone to mistakes too. 

Luckily my BFF broached that she was feeling the same way about this one.  Now, we've come too far down the road to just give up (although I think both of us had been close to it).  So, a redesign is required.  For me, that will take the form of squaring off the top and sides at the outer and upper points of the current stitching.  For my BFF, I'll let her show and tell on

I did some working out on the number of stitches we no longer need to do, now we have freed ourselves from its tyranny.  

Now, these figures are approximate as the original didn't give an exact count and had an arch at the top which would have reduced it slightly from the maximum stitch count.  So from 135 x 100 (13500) we're reduced to 4977 for me and 4092 for my friend, also an approximation. 

I don't usually allow myself to think of the total stitches as it might put me off, but having worked with Pattern Keeper on my ongoing big project lately, I've become more aware of the numbers.  For comparison, this is 13500, that one is 10571!! 

And once we'd made that decision we stitched with so much more enthusiasm.  What's next for the SAL... Something much smaller I think, but yet to be decided.  Maybe even very small things that we can finish in a few sessions? 

Tell me you've had things that you needed to redesign too? 


  1. That is a lot of stitch's, sometimes I get so frustrated with a design, I leave it for a few days, I am a one at a time stitcher.

