Thursday 3 February 2022

Almost Fully Dressed - BFF SAL 6

Elfis has his coat on now! 

I found it very odd that giving him a filled in arm on the left of the picture, suddenly made the already-filled right one look more arm-like!

Some shoes to go, and another parcel.  (Before backstitch of course). 

I will determine whether to follow my BFF's lead and do anything about the error on the back of the pattern, by how far behind I am when she starts her solution... It might just bring us in line, time-wise, so I might allow myself not to bother!!

BFF SAL 5 is making a small amount of progress too, but I don't have a picture to share just yet... Hopefully I'll be done with that one in February, and on to other guilt-inducing pieces that also need finishing.

Check out my BFF's update on