Saturday 19 February 2022

Gifted Gorgeousness February link up

I've been feeling properly sorry for myself this week since succumbing to Covid, so I definitely missed the proper day for GG.  But, as I've felt a little better today, I've been stitching on a fabric that I got for Christmas 2021, I fell in love with the coffee colour Aida, although I had nothing in mind to stitch on it. 

I'm allowing myself totally free rein whilst I'm feeling rough, and just doing as much as I feel able to at the time. Today is a good day, and I finished a whole thing!! 

I've had the book from which the pattern came for some time, it may too have been a gift, but I'm not certain of that. 

Very happy with this daffodil, it's one of my favourite flowers, as it reminds me of my Gran, who always loved her daffs when they were in season. 

It was a fun, easy stitch. And I have a few more simple stitches in mind from the book, just because I want to stitch. We put a lot of pressure on ourselves to finish this and that, sometimes we forget to just stitch to be stitching! 

Check out Jo's blog on to see who else is linking up. 


  1. Oh, I am so sorry to hear that you are uwell with Covid - I hope that you get better soon but at least you are able to do some lovely stitching!

  2. Thanks for taking part in GG this month. Love the Spring daffs, they are a lovely reminder of the better weather on our way!

  3. So sorry to hear you were under the weather, I hope you heal quickly.
    Daffodils are such a beautiful flower; I wish they bloomed all summer long.
    Your design looks perfect on the color fabric you chose, very bright and happy looking.


  4. The daffodil is so cute and a nice way to try to bring your spirits up! I hope that you are feeling better now than when you originally posted!
