Sunday, 13 February 2022

Secret Stitching Sweetheart Blog Hop

Welcome to the Hop, hosted by Jo on

Check out her blog to find out who's participating today. 

I love this piece from my Sweetheart, I look forward to seeing who sent it.  It's very bridal in style, I'd love to know more about the story behind it.

Time to Hop around and see who got mine, too! 


  1. A beautiful stitch but it isn't mine, happy Valentine's Day 💕

  2. Great stitch, but I am not your Secret Stitching Sweetheart. Happy Valentine's Day, my friend. Sending you hugs from Greece.

  3. It is beautiful! But not mine.
    Happy Valentines Day.
    Barbara ♥️🙋‍♀️

  4. Just gorgeous ... but not from me!! Happy Valentine's Day hugs! ♥

  5. Such a lovely piece, not mine though.
    Happy hearts to you!

  6. Very nice pattern, not mine. Joyeuse Saint Valentin ! xxx

  7. Oooooo, that is very pretty. It's not from me, but I will add to my wish list.

  8. Very delicate, so I understand that you knew it was not mine. LOL

  9. It is mine! This is Floral Heart from Samplers Not Forgotten! I loved this design so much when it came out last year, I had to have it. It will be a pillow with a lace trim when I get around to finishing it next month I hope! But for now, I put the last rose I had after pruning my roses on it, and it promptly feel apart very photogenically for the picture! Have a wonderful day!

  10. That is such a beautiful heart. Perfect for a pillow.

  11. Thanks for taking part in the Secret Stitching Sweeheart Blog Hop this year.
    I agree, this would make a lovely Ring Pillow for a wedding.

  12. That's so pretty - Happy Valentines Day!

  13. So delicate and pretty. Happy Valentine's Day❤️

  14. This heart is so pretty. I'm not surprised that it was Mary's.
