Thursday 6 August 2020

How do you keep yours?

Had one of those jealous moments this week, a fellow crafter was sharing pictures of her GIANT craft room that was bigger than our entire ground floor.

It got me thinking about storage, and how we store our threads, when they're in use and when they're waiting for the next pattern.

My BFF suggested that I share a picture of my latest 'innovation', where I discovered my thread cards fit quite nicely in the fold of my sofa while I am using them on a project.  I just have to remember to pack them up when I'm done and not leave a needle in there just in case!!

The same card also clips nicely using that magnet, onto my standing lamp, which is metallic.

Do you keep your threads in any odd places?  Let me know in the comments..

1 comment:

  1. I always keep my threads on bobbins. It is very rare that I will do a kit but when I do I still like to bobbinate the thread as it seems much easier for both storage, tangling and keeping it with the chart in it's project bag.

    Do you always us the floss cards?
