Thursday 13 August 2020

Trees and unexpected pleasures - Lockdown SAL 2 continues

There is an increased amount of Tree number 2 completed for this week.  But that is not the unexpected pleasure.

The sun was shining, we had already decided to have the walk that we had postponed last week.  But this week, we decided to do an 'in-the-garden' SAL, socially distanced of course, cozily cocooned in my BFF's garden in portable chairs. (unexpected pleasure number 1)

Oh - it was SO nice to be stitching in person again, finally I got to see the hand-dyed Aida my BFF created.  And to talk about other projects that we have in the planning stages.  I have so many projects whirring around in my brain, it's a wonder I have any time left to work on anything!!  From stuff that has been WIP material for years now, to new projects that are still being planned, to new and exciting projects recently underway.  Once I categorise what I have, I may share a bit more around these on the blog.

And unexpected pleasure number 2 - my BFF gave me the gift of a fabric-sizer ruler, so I can tell the count of my stashed fabric.  Whilst most of it is 14 count, there are some others which I am not sure are 16 or 18 count, so this is a big bonus.

Head over to my BFF's blog on for her progress on our SAL.


  1. I was also fortunate but I will withhold that information till the 15th and a little link up!

  2. Nice progress and how wonderful that you two could meet up in person again.

  3. Sounds like a wonderful stitching meet up! Glad the weather was nice for the two of you. You are making good progress on your trees!
