Thursday 19 August 2021

BFF SAL 4... so near

... And yet so far!  I wasn't quick enough to order my missing threads, so my BFF got her SAL adaptation finished before me.  Mind you, we were always kind of expecting that, as mine is 900ish stitches more. 

Happy with my progress, and I shall finish and post before our next Skype meeting I think. 

Having been bitten by this project which we picked in a bit of a hurry just to have something we both liked,  we had some discussion about our next steps.  We'll share the outcome of that with you when we come to blog about our next session.

Hahaha My BFF posted before reading and we had not discussed keeping it secret...  So next time, as you'll see on her blog, is a RAL - Random along, anything crafty (as currently knitting and quilting are calling me too).  But things which we can complete whilst nattering that don't require too much brain pain. 

Check out my BFF's update on when she's posted. 

1 comment:

  1. Still a tad envious of just how much tree is in your sewn area after the crop...just not enough to sew it. Mind still have the pattern maybe in a few years time......LOL
