Sunday 5 September 2021

Free and Easy - Holiday Fun Number 2

.. That's the subtle beauty of the Cover Kit!

On holiday, I like a simple stitch, nothing that requires lots of counting (as sometimes there is wine or cocktails!). This teeny WIP is Time for Tea from The World of Cross Stitching magazine. 

They're also great for reinvigorating the Mojo when I'm struggling with the confidence on my bigger pieces.  Sometimes all I want is to BE stitching, and they're a way to get the buzz of a new start and a finish, all within a short space of time. 

These 3 were all from a single cover kit, and they give me a summery happy feeling to revisit them (they were a major procrastination tool when I was running out of steam with the baby sampler). 

I have at least 2 more teeny sized or cover kits besides these to show for this year, but I am saving them for their respective seasonal blog hops! 

I'll finish with one I've already shown in the valentines day blog hop. 

1 comment:

  1. The heart music symbol is so sweet as are the puffin and other designs.

